Brielle Alexander

Admin Assistant

Dreams: My dream is to make every day count. I want to live my life to the fullest. I would also love to travel the world and see and experience as many countries and cultures as possible.  

My goal at Zephyr is to make everyone else's lives and jobs easier. I want to work quickly and efficiently and be an organizing wiz. 

My Magic Powers: My strength is that I am highly dependable. I pride myself on being loyal and consistent to those around me.   

How I am Human: I have very high expectations of myself with very little grace for mistakes.  

Oh Fine, My Experience: I have an educational background in Human Services and working experience in both management and customer relations. 

What I Do for Zephyr: I am the Admin Assistant. I work alongside various people and departments to create more efficient processes, organize the data, and jump in to help in any needed way to get the projects done.   

Why I Picked Zephyr: I chose Zephyr for so many reasons! One in particular is that they are the most fun and kind people to work with. Everyone has the biggest heart for helping our clients. There is such unity among the team that I could not wait to join and be apart of the Zephyr family.   

Why Zephyr Chose Brielle: We really took our time and searched high and low for our Admin Assistant, and we are so lucky to have found Brielle! She is uber organized and tackles the never ending (and ever growing) to do list with grace and efficiency. We love that she always has a smile on her face, a can-do attitude, and her problem solving hat on ready to take on the world!