Employer Commodities

Employees Are Not Commodities

What is a commodity? In the simplest terms, it is a good or raw material that is bought or sold or traded for something else that holds value. The commodity’s value can fluctuate based on supply and demand. Labor has often been seen as a commodity and is part of the equation when an employer …

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10 Ways to Improve Work and Family Balance at your Small Business

Work-Life Balance was a buzz word before the pandemic. Now, after seven months (yes, seven months!) of work-from-home, this balance may be permanently changed. There have been positive changes for both employers and employees: less time commuting, lower overhead costs, and more time with family. It is the ‘more time with family’ aspect that I …

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Video meeting

Maintaining Culture in a Virtual World

During this COVID-19 crisis, we have seen so many people going to work virtually for the first time.  It has been the topic of numerous articles, webinars, and panel discussions. What is often missing from the discussion is how to maintain and foster your team connection while working virtually.  We, at Zephyr Connects® LLC, have …

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