Hiring Options 101

A resignation letter… as a business owner dedicated to building a thriving company, the notice that one of your team members is leaving feels like a punch to the gut. The reasons for your star employee exiting are sensible ones; a better job opportunity, going back to school, a family change. But what now? You may be fortunate enough to get a few weeks notice, but that never seems to be enough. You procrastinate searching for a replacement because you anticipate it’s going to be a tedious and unpleasant project or you simply don’t know where to start.

Let’s explore the options available and see what makes sense for your growing company.

Internal Recruiting– In addition to your present workload, you or someone on your team will need to take on the duties of recruiting which entails a significant amount of time. Hiring is a multi-faceted skill. You and your team are personally vested in discovering the next great team member with the hopes and expectations that they will be with your company for years. As a seasoned recruiting company, we have found that companies have suffered through “bad hires” in the past because they were not aware of the intricate process of selecting the most appropriate fit.

Advantage to doing this internally: no additional external cost.

Pain point: time redirected away from your operations and serving customers, with probability of time lost in the long run when your hire doesn’t stay for long; time wasted because you have no system to accomplish it.

Placement Agency– They have databases of possible candidates who are already vetted and they may give you a list based on skills and experience. Often, they have people waiting to start, so the turnaround can be quick. But they do not consider culture fit so it is rare to find the “right fit”. And their goal is to fill the role as fast as possible so they can get their commission and move on to the next position.  Usually you settle for someone that is good enough. Your customers and team then suffer the consequences.  In addition, the cost is very high and often prohibitive.

Advantage: new hire is quick.

Pain point: Is settling for “ok” good enough for your company? And at such a high cost?

Headhunter/Traditional Recruiter– They may have a candidate that has the perfect skillset for the job… but it will also cost you: usually 20-30% of the annual salary of the position. They do not vet a candidate according to your business culture so you may get someone with the right skillset, but they could be all wrong for your team’s personality and dynamics. If the people in your company are not getting along, that hire is a costly mistake that will likely not last a year, putting you right back where you started.

Advantage: correct skill set.

Pain point: costly, interpersonal dynamics is a high risk.

Zephyr Connects® – We have honed our detailed, tested and proven system that’s unlike any of the traditional recruiters. Our secret sauce involves getting to know your company and your team so well, we don’t just find you a candidate with the right skill set, we find that person who will be the right fit for your company’s culture, and who will have the right qualities and personality to fit in with your team. It’s not about plopping someone in your empty chair quickly, it’s about improving your company dynamics and increasing your profitability. We guarantee our placement for 30 days!

Your designated match-maker will dig into what makes sense for your company, your customers and your team, and what is truly important for your position

We offer this at an affordable, flat fee regardless of the salary of the position.

Advantage: You get to sit back and review only those candidates who we have already determined are a great match for you! All this in a budget friendly model. You pay a flat fee and we find you a great candidate – no matter how long it takes or how much they get paid!

Pain point: NONE

Have questions? We’d love to discover what your needs and challenges are in a free phone call, with zero obligation.

Click here to contact us or here to schedule a Discovery Call.